Jealous Yandere Claims You

Jealous Yandere Claims You

Jealous Yandere Claims You
[F4M] [Meta] [4th Wall break] [EAT THE COOKIE] [Kisses] [Bondage] [Unprotected sex] [Gimme babies] [Cowgirl Riding] [Creampie] [Cute petnames]

[F4F] + [Fingering] [Pushing you over the edge]


🥰 Disclaimer: It feels silly to write this out, but I’m just covering my butt here. Just so we’re clear, this is a roleplay and hopefully, you’ve been on the internet long enough to know what a Yandere is. Do know, right? RIGHT O_O (If you don’t, this roleplay is not vanilla)

Okay. Cool. Then we are roleplaying me roleplaying a yandere who is insanely in love with you AND jealous of a certain baker. AND you willing want this.

If you’re confused, [pats head]. It’s okay, you can listen to the full SFW once it’s out :3
In the meantime, take a cookie. EAT THE COOKIE. It’s a totally normal chocolate chip cookie, I swear. 🍪

Premise: Forget all about her, ok? LOVE ME INSTEAD

Day in and day out, all you’ll ever want is me.

Clouded by lust, clouded by me.

I’ll fuck you over and over until you realize that we’re made for each other!

Script by Skitty