I’ll Curse You if You Don’t Cum for Me

I’ll Curse You if You Don’t Cum for Me

I’ll Curse You if You Don’t Cum for Me
[F4m] / [F4TF] [Goth girl] [Classmate] with [Attitude] [CFNM] [Wiccan ritual] stay in the f*ing [Magical circle] [Impatient] [Kissing] [Spit] [Handjob] [Wet sounds] [We’re running out of time] [Blowjob] [Headpats] on [Lap] [12:25]

“You’re lucky, I’m not making you sit bare ass on this cold floor”

Heheheh. I get to swear for this script! #%@$!! 😈

Premise: You’re failing math class.

Stay in the fucking circle, ‘kay?

You owe me for this.

Your cum for the math test answers.

It’s a small price to pay if you think about it.

Script by Skitty

  • Pet names: No gender mentions. No pet names. I do call you “cute”.
  • Body mentions: No size mentions. You have a “nice” looking dick. Trans-friendly for ladies who have a cock.

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