Trapped and Bedded by a Gargoyle Girl

Trapped and Bedded by a Gargoyle Girl

Trapped and Bedded by a Gargoyle Girl

[F4M] [Fdom] [Monster girl] [Kisses] [Coercion] [Rape] [Breasts pressed against you][Wet] [Handjob] [Licking] [Cunnilingus] [“Fuuuck!”] [Riding your cock] [Multiple Endings] chance of [Wholesome/Yandere/Snuff] [20min]

The good, the bad, and the yandere!

Something tasty  || 🍎 Bad Ending [Cruel] [Snuff] My personal favorite <3

Something yummy || 🍬 Good Ending [Wholesome] [Cuddles]

Something sweet || 🍭 Yandere Ending [Kidnapped] [Impreg]

You know, for a human, you are quite handsome…

Don’t shy away from me! A night with you is the least I’m owed for saving your life…

You can try and break down the door all you want, but nothing is going to open it without my permission.

And even if you did manage to open it, you’d only find yourself at the mercy of every other monster in this mansion.

Script by u/Branford6 || Art by Kenkou Cross